👋Getting Started

This is where we publish all official product documentations and guides. To contact our support please email us at support@billetconnect.com or post in the #help-request channel of our Discord server.

Welcome to the Billet knowledge hub !

To get started you will need to have fundamental knowledge in computer science as we upskill the following roles: Front-end developer, Back-end developer, Full stack developer, UX/UI designer and QA engineer.

Creating an Account and Verifying Email for Billet

  1. Enter your first name, surname and email address to get started, create a password.

  1. Agree to the terms of use and privacy policy.

  1. Click the sign up button to create your account.

  1. We'll send you a verification email. n a new tab, navigate to your email account to verify your email address.

  2. Click "Verify Email"

  1. After verifying your email you will be redirected to choose a pricing plan.

Last updated